Top Intelligence/Security Consulting Firm

Highly trained Intelligence professionals and information technology experts carefully selected to meet the demands of today's complex every day and internet based security threats.


What We Do.

A leading private technology-driven intelligence and security consulting and training Firm

Owiwi Cubes offers a comprehensive range of specialized intelligence and security protection services. Our dynamic Intelligence and Security Consulting Division plays a pivotal role in supporting businesses in strategic risk reduction through expert intelligence and security risk analysis in Nigeria and with the potential to extend coverage across the broader Sub-region. For further details, please do not hesitate to reach out to us today. Partner with confidence, knowing that you will be aligning your interests with a premier, technology-driven private intelligence and security firm.

Intelligence Analysis & Management

Providing Proficient Analysis, Strategic Management and delivering actionable insights and informed decision-making.

Conduct of Background Checks

Elevate security with precise background checks from Conduct, empowering intelligence and safeguarding your interests.

Risk Prevention and Risk Management

Mitigate threats and safeguard assets with expert risk prevention and management from Conduct.

Technical Surveillance Counter Measure

Safeguard privacy with advanced Technical Surveillance Counter Measures from our expert security solutions.

Intelligence Gathering

Elevate security through strategic intelligence gathering with precision and confidentiality, ensuring informed decision-making.


Lagos Metro Rail Project (Blue Line)

Executive Summary

The Lagos Metro Rail Project, a significant infrastructure development in Nigeria, required a comprehensive security and surveillance solution to ensure the safety of passengers, staff, and assets. Owiwi-Cubes Limited, a leading company in the field, was engaged to provide cutting-edge security and surveillance services. This case study details how Owiwi-Cubes partnered with the Lagos Metro Rail Project to successfully deliver an innovative and tailored solution, enhancing security and safety for one of Africa's most ambitious transportation projects.


We Provide Integrated Digital Enabled End-To-End Enterprise Security Risk Management Solutions That Promote Safety In Your Workplace, Institution, Home And Event Centres


Our team is made up of a mix of military and paramilitary agencies.

OCL has within its rank, well-trained, intelligence/security practitioners drawn from various military, paramilitary and intelligence agencies, as well as information technology specialists with years of experience in intelligence practice, forensic analysis and forensic accounting.


Experienced, intelligence/security experts with proven track record.

Our team is made up of experts with a proven track record who were recruited with today's ever-changing security threat in mind. Our field security guards have been thoroughly vetted and trained to fulfill the needs of our clients. Our clients benefit from our expert security guards and loss prevention services.


Specialized training for personnel to fit into the service required by clients.

OCL personnel deployed in any security environment are properly trained for the client's service needs. They are carefully chosen, trained, and are fully equipped to work in any environment. They are specialists in various fields, allowing them to provide the appropriate solution in any given situation.



Rear Admiral Elkanah Oyeleye Jaiyeola (rtd)

Rear Admiral Elkanah Oyeleye Jaiyeola (rtd), mni is a dedicated and high-performing intelligence practitioner and security expert with over 35 years of professional and outstanding results in the Nigerian Navy, as well as a distinguished service in the promotion of peace and security on the African continent.

His key competencies possessed and demonstrated are in the areas of intelligence and security studies, global security, international relations, leadership studies, strategic management, critical thinking and strategic studies. An expert in counterterrorism/insurgency operations, counterintelligence operations, negotiation and international security studies, he holds 4 master’s degrees in international relations, security and strategy; international security studies, transport management; and procurement, logistics and supply chain management. Read more

NOTE: We have a 24Hr response

+234 805 808 4804

49 Kofo Abayomi Avenue, Apapa Lagos.

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